"I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz,

or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:

I love you as one loves certain obscure things,

secretly, between the shadow and the soul..."

-Pablo Neruda

Bitter cold had enwrapped New England at the end of 2020. It was if the year was demanding it add insult to injury of the last 12 months. I was determined to create something worth giving 2021 a little more hope, or at the very least beauty. Abby was able to join me at the most picturesque of cabins situated in the hills of New Hampshire. It was no easy feat driving there but luckily we both are a part of the Subaru family. We laid out garments and decided what would be the best for images. Some things were delicate, some were fierce and some were just beautiful. It was an effortless shoot like a conversation between two old friends. Light streamed in at the most magnificent times and I took advantage of every room in the cabin. As the sun dipped we lit candles in the washroom and it illuminated her perfectly.

It was a lovely day and a hopeful kickstart to 2021.

Abby's makeup was done by

Alanna Branch of Elle Vie Hair Spa

Select garments from Adam & Eve

To book a session with Boudoir by Michael Jacobs, visit the booking section in the menu.

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